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New Blog By Phantom, Inc. Has Opened

In case you didn't know, Agent Jay (that's me) now has a blog where personal thoughts, rants, stories, and whatnot are shared when it has...

Phantom, Inc. now open for commission.

So, now. We have a commission board open at Fiverr. We're open to graphics design and miscellaneous requests such as custom DJ mixes. All...

New Games to be added this Friday

Hey, everyone. Phantom, Inc. is returning to publishing with new games starting this Friday after having to close the Games section to...

Yo waddup. It's tha Phantom

I'm savin' Agent Jay tha stress of explainin' what's happenin' this month. All you need to know is I'm revisitin' old games from stream's...

Games Section is currently closed.

To anyone visiting the website right now, please note the games section is currently closed for maintenance. Time of reopening will be...

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